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We also have surface bolts for your door that you can install at the bottom part of the door to lock and unlock it from the inside or outside part. Other types of bolts that we provide include cane bolts and flush bolts. Additionally, we also offer you various latches that suit the specification of your door. If your commercial building has wooden interior doors, we recommend that you install mortise latches. On the other hand, if you have metal doors, we have rim latches that you can mount on the surface of the door and frame. 


Sometimes thieves can be very daring when breaking into commercial properties. Some locks may also not secure the door when force is applied, which is something you don't want to imagine. At National Lock Supply we provide you with high quality deadlatches that have a deadlocking mechanism. The mechanism is designed to withstand huge amounts of forces which guarantees your maximum security. The following are some of the things you should consider when installing bolts and latches: The aesthetic of the building, the material of the door and type of frame, and finally the local building codes and regulations.


When making choices about the type of lock you want to install in your commercial facility, its important to consider quality over quantity. Here are some of the best options that you can consider: 


Mortise locks. These ones are mostly suitable for office doors and their efficiency in terms of security is better compared to that of cylindrical levers. Mosrtise locks have deadbolts that prevent them from forceful opening using a key. 


Mechanical pushbutton locks. The simplicity of these locks is what makes them popular because they offer maximum security without using much force to operate them. You only need to use a code to access the door and in case someone tries to guess it you can make changes. Another advantage that these locks have over others is that you can program them to allow certain people at specific times.


Alarm control keypads. You can use this combination of keypads with an alarm system to control the security of your commercial building. In case unauthorized persons use the wrong door or force themselves inside, the keypad will sound an alarm automatically. You can use alarm control keypads for your safe rooms to avoid theft and burglary.


Cylindrical knob locks. This type of lock is like cylindrical lever locks, except that they use a knob to turn the cylinder instead of a lever. You should consider using these locks for your interior doors because of their simplicity in terms of usage. The best rooms to use these types of locks are bathrooms and storage rooms.