Glynn-Johnson 793H Extra Heavy Duty Surface Overhead Hold Open, Size 3, Non-Handed
79 Series extra heavy-duty
Glynn-Johnson offers a complete line of overhead holders and stops, providing solutions for the most complex door control problems. Glynn-Johnson 70 Series surface-mounted holders and stops are designed to meet the demands of high-traffic industrial applications. These units are simple to install.
Compatible with a variety of door closers, these models come with templates to allow for variable mounting positions, ranging from 85° to 110° hold-open/stop angle. These templates are designed for installation in almost all types of doors, including doors with conventional butttype hinges or specialty hinges.
Size: 3
Butt/Offset Pivots: 27 1⁄16" - 33"
Center Hung: 33 1⁄16" - 39"
• Simple
• Standardized
• Each model is available in five sizes
Unmatched convenience:
• Non-handed
• Single-acting doors
• Interior/exterior applications
• Durable
• Easy to install
• Improved corrosion resistance
• Function conversion kits available
Glynn-Johnson 79 Series models are constructed primarily of brass and 300 Series stainless steel substrates, with several components fabricated of steel treated to resist corrosion. Models in the 79 Series uses a 3⁄4" stainless steel bar. The bar is always provided in US32D. The spring, washer and nut are provided in a clear zinc finish.
79H Series hold-open model
Hold-open models provide a selective hold-open function with easy-to-adjust tension. A simple 90° rotation of the roller mechanism disables the hold-open function, allowing the unit to serve as a shock-absorbing stop. The hold-open function provides a convenient method of holding the door open at a predetermined position for short or long periods of time, permitting an unobstructed traffic flow through the opening.
Provides a durable hold-open mechanism that can be turned off, allowing the unit to function as a shock-absorbing stop. The hold-open tension is simply adjusted incrementally for increased or decreased holding power by turning the nut at the end of the bar. The 79 Series is recommended for extremely heavy or wide doors subject to violent or abusive conditions.
Finishes: SP28 - Aluminum Painted, US26D - Satin Chrome, US32D - Satin Stainless Steel, US10 - Satin Bronze, US3 - Bright Brass, SP10 - Light Bronze Painted, SP313 - Dark Bronze Painted
Model: Glynn Johnson 793H SP28